Wednesday, 6 November 2013

why get a paid job when you can create one?

Yo peeps, how's it going? Thanks for the comments and mails. Do keep them coming.
The past posts have beem about steps to be taken during and after the NYSC scheme. Hopefully that's done and dusted. If you still have questions, tweet @daviesreward or send a mail to

I would like to rattle our thoughts a little in this post though. More like steer us in another direction of thought in this pursuit of happiness tingy.

This post is a call to arms for anyone who believes that spending an enormous proportion of your life working in a job you don't enjoy is unacceptable. It is for anyone who yearns for a level of freedom that traditional career paths do not offer. This post is for anyone who's ready to implement enormous change and create a life that they have complete control over.

I stated in the 1st post that about 80% of y'all won't get jobs (no be curse o!). Let's face it, that's the sad reality of naija today. With the increasing number of graduates passing out from the NYSC scheme, chances of getting a good job are pretty slim. My point is you most likely won't get a job that you are passionate about unless you create it. Create it? Some might question, yea, exactly what I typed. I know there's an entrepreneur hidden somewhere in everyone one of us because we were all created in His image and likeness, the master Entrepreneur Himself. Some would argue that they are content with getting paid jobs anyways. Its sad that a majority of us are unconsciously okay with living abused lives i.e lives lived without purpose. These days, although largely due to some naija factors (#NotAnExcuse), peeps get so caught up in this job hunt tingy that they often forget the true essence of having a career. Most peeps actually hate their jobs (for those that have jobs) while those that are still searching get so frustrated to the point that they would accept any job thrown their way.

Its simple. When the purpose of life is unknown, abuse is inevitable. Abuse occurs when you disregard your design. (Tweet this). I've noticed that we have so many square pegs in round holes today. Right people in wrong jobs. For instance, a bank MD who's designed. To be a lecturer is living an abused life. (#MyOpinion). He/she might be making cool cash,driving dope rides but deep down there's an emptiness.

So what's the solution? Here's my proposal:
Step1 : Take inventory of your gifts/talents. Some might argue that they don't have talents. Laughable right? Just ask yourself questions like;
- what's that thing that frustrates me when its done poorly?
- what's fascinates me when its done properly?
Taking inventory of your gifts helps you figure out what you were wired and fired for. Kindly refer to my last post "why start this blog". Your design is hinged on your fascinations and frustrations.

Just like Fishes don't require swimming lessons to swim, birds don't go to flight school to be able to fly. It comes naturally to them. Same principle applies to us. You'll always prosper in your natural habitat. So whatcha waiting for? Go figure! Take sometime out today and take inventory of your talents. Make a list of it. You can reach me via email if you need more assistance. I'll talk about the next steps in subsequent posts.

Here's a little something for y'all. As i'm no motivational speaker or coach, I feel it would do you a world of good to check out . Download his podcast titled "Life is a week". Trust me, you would be amazed.

"An unfulfilled vocation drains the colour from a man's entire existence" - Honore de Balzac


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